- Creative Leadership and Team Building
- Coaching for Performance
- Creating Visionary and Transformative Leadership
- Simplicity -- How to do and be more with less
- Managing Diveristy
- NLP for Personal and Professional Excellence
- Communication for Teambuilding and Result
- Advocacy & Influencing
- Personal Competencies and Interpersonal Effectiveness
- Inspiring Leader-Facilitator and Team Building
- Organizational Development
- Social Mobilization – Strategy for Social Transformation
- Peace and Democratic Practices Among Children
- Diploma in NLP
- Sales Champions
- Staff Retreat Facilitation
R. Manandhar
Email : kabuleader@gmail.com
Phone: +977 981 346 1049;
Phone, Viber, Wapp: +977 984 133 9585
(If call not picked up, please leave a message. We will call back.)
Customer feedback
Really it was wonderful four days for me and I would like to thank and express gratitude to Kiran and Rajendra and my organization for this opportunity. It has helped me to revitalize my knowledge, skill, attitude and enhanced the professional quality. Please keep your good work for the betterment of humankind in this world.
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Kabule Activities
“Developing a WORLD CLASS Leader within You”
Life Changing Motivational Program [A two day intensive workshop]
Workshop Overview
This inspirational and motivational leadership training is ideal for the middle management.
It will enhance the participants’ knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to get them to the next level of personal leadership. Without any doubt it will extend one's horizons. Participants will be transformed into new beings.
It will help to identify the different roles of a leader as well as how best to achieve it. It will also make one learn the critical success factors [CSF’s] and the key success factors [KSF’s] of developing ones leadership skills and style.
In short, this session clearly reviews the absolute essentials needed for leading teams and organizations. It addition, it covers some critical concepts for world class leadership including clock building and time telling leadership and developing a world class left and right brain.Benefits to participants
This workshop will inspire the participants to:
- Identify what true leadership is all about
- Understand the characteristics of a true leader
- Develop the leader within you
- Identify who a leader is?
- Understand how a leader differs from a manager?
- Appreciate the Key Success Factors of a World Class Leader
- Learn the features of a Transformational Leader
- Identify the Features of Clock Building & Time Telling Leaders
Workshop Contents
- Tough times don’t last long; but tough people do
- Importance of a WORLD CLASS vision for a WORLD CLASS leader
- Developing the leader within you
- Understanding the mindset of a WORLD CLASS leader
- Understanding what WORLD CLASS leaders are made of
- Either lead, or else follow or else please get out of the way
- Transformational leadership
- Clock building [CBL] vs time telling [TTL] leaders
- Top leadership tools
Highly interactive mini lectures | Group exercises | Individual exercises | Group discussions | Role plays | Video Clips | Practical Examples | Success Stories | Personal experiences